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No man's thrift

This weeks thrift Starting with what I traded in for, I bought a galaxy tab 3 off my mate a few weeks back for £30, he was going to sell it for the then CEX price of £18, I give him the trade price in cash, Then after upgrading my phone didn't need it anymore, Watching the CEX website like some sort of tat shock market, The Trade price on tab 3's went upto £50, So a Straight swap for No mans sky.

Only £9.99 for Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel on sale at Game, The two master system games where £2.99 in Cash converters that seems to be my rule of thumb now in secondhand shops that have overpriced retro if it's under £3 its going to be cheaper then ebay, Bunch of stuff from my trade pile paid for Zelda OOT That was £16 in CEX

The list of Retro stuff CEX stocks has expaned they have added Neo Geo Pocket and Super NES to the list, I hope we get megadrive stuff that would be awesome, and PS1 go on CEX please bring back PS1, It would be great to be able to trade up and get some PS1 classics again.

Few more Pick ups then Age of empires collections £1, Tomb raider 2 £1 and Oddworld £1 sweet deals, And £15 for the Negcon on ebay, Currently working on a video for this controller as part of my awesomeware series, I have been playing Ridge racer type 4 with it all week its pretty fun to use.

So I mangaged to get in some time with no man's sky, Lots of mixed opions on this game, Its really because the exploration is centre place in the gameplay, Its resourse managment of the entire universe, So in landing on a new planet in oua of the specitice isnt the main pull of this game for you then I imagine you wouldnt enjoy it.

Its one part elite one part mine craft and the rest is every gamer ever that was playing a space combat sim and said "wouldnt it be cool if you could land your ship on any planet and walk around" And this game does just that simlessly with no loading hyperspace to solar system to orbit upper atmosphere to planet.

There is plenty of crafting to do, No spoilers, But there is a loose story to follow, as well as the text adventure that plays out when you talk to people, with the goal of the lose naritive been based around getting to the centre of the galxays, That about all the game does is point you in a directions and its up to you to sort out everything else.

I enjoyed my time with this game, Like most new games I get hold of I cashed it in for the money yesturday at CEX for £36, It has since gone down to £31, So I spent £30 on a tablet, Got to Play no man's sky for a few weeks, The ended up making £6 profit, Its like the new way to rent a game, I will buy this back when the price bottoms out.
Footage comes from Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel, If you enjoy Guilty gear style fighting games in the 2D style you will feel right at home here, Lots of characters from anime series, CEX still sell this for £25, Game have it for £9.99 if you hurry you mite get it at the same price, incidentally the cash is £11 and the trade is £16.


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