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Pokemon low down

Great weather this week Finally had a Day off to hit the thrift and not a bad lot of stuff, Mobile Light force 2 for 49p, Resi 4 on PC £2, Mass effect for £1.49 and Tour De France £1.49, And Saltwater Sportfishing for £3.49 Overpriced but a PS1 game I don't have and I was just sick of seeing it every time I am out in the same Charity shop.

So Pokemon Go has smashed all download records, Raised nintendo's stock 125% and people of all ages are playing it across the country, I wanted in on this so I needed a phone upgrade, The Samsung Galaxy 5 was the Best Phone I could muster with £167 credit at CEX and £53 cash paid.

I got home with my new phone installed the app, Then the screen started flickering green, So the next day back to CEX and swapped it for the same phone, This time it worked, I would imagine this is the Case with most phones in CEX just keep going back tell they pick you a winner.

So New phone and Power brick intow I Hit the Thrift, This time looking for games and Pokemon.

 That turn out to be a great combination, I touch on this in the last post that the dynamics of the Gameplay in Pokemon go are very Similar to the premise of Thrifting in general, What I didn't Know is that many of the Charity shops I frequently visit are all Pokestops!

This is seemingly putting to activities I love together, Now I can play a video game while I am out Hunting for video games.  

I think this is pretty awesome, The Data on the sort of locations that have been chosen to be pokeshops or gyms, Are brilliant, There's a lot of churches, A lot of them are popular

Its not a Perfect game, I find the combat lacking, The server issues seem to be improving but by no means stable, and if you not in a built up location I hope you like pidgeys and rattatas.

What this game turned out to be is a great start in the area of augmented reality, Games and tech have come and gone in the last few years, This game makes all of the concepts come together and makes it accessible for all players, Looking forward to some updates.

So Mobile light force 2 As you can see above in my pick ups picture the PAL front cover and Rebranding is god awful, This game is actually a game called 

Shikigami no Shiro 

Its a top down shoot em up.

The PAL region Box art I am sure has put people off this game, The up shoot of this is that lots of second hand shops don't mark it up so you can find it dirt cheap, A hidden gem literally because it looks like tat.


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