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Its in the game

Great finds this week really has been a cracking thrift out, Typical I should break my HD Sunglasses the first day out finding all this stuff, Think I will look into a more durable pair for when thrifting live returns, Anyways let's have a run down on the pick ups.

All the wii games where £2 all good titles all worth the price, The DS stuff £1.50 each the dinosaurs game on the money same with star wars, The Finding nemo game however is worth around £7

Goldeneye was £3, Silent hill was bought with CEX credit, WCW was £1.50 and jurassic park operation genesis was £1 the best find in the bunch the PS2 version currently hovering round the £15 mark.

Some Mega drive and snes Super soccer and fifa 95 that I was actually looking for because I have been playing Fifa international soccer the first one when It dawned on me how much better 95 was so £1.99 overpaid but its a sports game, Kinda softening up on sports games some older examples still hold their charm if not there resale value.

The sports games and all the N64 games where in cash convertors all priced up different I just picked up all the ones under £3 the most expensive one was turok 2 at £2.49 but any n64 cart priced up at 49p £1.50 £2.50 Would be hard to pass up considering the cheapest you are likely to pick one up on ebay is the 99p plus £1.97 postage anyway, Just happy to see N64 games in the wild it doesn't happen for ages but this week and last there has being loads about keep'em coming.

Elder scrolls III GOTY on PC £1.99 good price complete, And Animal crossing wild worlds, £4 paid, CEX sell it for £15 that's about the ebay price to so well worth getting at £4.
And then there was this bunch of lego for £1, When I saw it in british heart foundations It was the box taped up with at a guess was one set maybe with a few bits missing, I was willing to take a gamble at £1, Any lego for £1 is great, Bags of misc bricks still sell well, It turned out to be too full sets in the box A Lego Dino and a Lego Ninjago set with instructions for both and a few random bricks left over £1 well spent.

So I have been playing Uncharted 4 and it is definitely a brilliant game newcomers and veterans alike will enjoy this one, At the apex of what you would dub a gaming blockbuster, Its still not my favourite in the series that Honor goes to number 2, But its everything you wanted out of a Uncharted game on PS4 hardware, I shared the Clip of drake playing Crash bandicoot above it is very meta fan service But I got a really kick seeing the grey PS1 and getting to play the game in what is essentially  a cut scene.

Of Course Euro 2016 has been happening, I was going to use some Fifa international soccer footage but I couldn't beat Portugal with wales on the  mega drive.

Anyways after playing that game I wanted to revisit a few other retro football games then a I noticed I don't really have many, PS1 is my biggest collection of games and out of 200 plus games all I had was Adidas power soccer 97, Seem I've passed up on sports games that much that when I do fancy playing a old one I have very little to choose from Hence picking a few up this time out.

So Footage above is fifa 98 That was one I hoped to reply and for 49p its a solid football game all I need to do now is fine a copy of Actua soccer 2 for PS1 Next time I am out I must see that game all the time and have fond memories of playing it and never once thought to pick it up.


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