Thriftbytes on X

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Crystal projection

As you can probably tell from the photo of the picks ups things have being a bit thin on the ground recently, There is a bit of cool stuff kicking about out there just overpriced.

The stuff I did pop on however is decent enough, £1.60 for Call of duty 3 is a bargain, CEX price £4, The big box of rayman was a steal at 50p, Found it in the jigsaw puzzles goes for around £10 on ebay as most later big boxed PC games tend to.

Pick up Turtles on PS2 for £1 in Cash Generator they give me a free fish radio, I will have some free stuff, The guy standing next to me when I got served thought free stuff as he just helped himself to a laptop off the counter and walked out with it, thief's in the city are brazen as they come.

Found this small Retro game controller thing, Wondered what games where on it so I paid £3.50 to find out, It's a bunch of Generic NES knock offs, The controller itself is pretty nice to use, Its just a shame there wasn't any licensed games on it. 

My Next door neighbour Gave me a Crystal xbox pretty awesome of them, I have a black one but this thing is sweet, The didn't have any hookups or out with it, Of course I have spares, I was think of what to do with it?
Then I remember the projector I picked up a few years back, It had being in the other room using it for parties for slinging stuff on the wall pictures and the like, The resolution Wasn't really good enough for PS3/360, So Original Xbox is about the best machine I can use with it without it starting to look like shit.

 I Turned out Great, Playing shenmue 2 on this thing at the moment its awesome, I was thinking of having a go at modding this xbox so I have more stuff to use with the Projector, As of right now I have plenty on disc to mess about on the likes of capcom classic collection and midway arcade treasure.

Ended up importing Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune, That didn't get a release outside of Japan, People where speculating this was a move on Temco's part not to get caught up in any Gamergate feminazi backlash, Or it just doesn't sell well over in europe and the USA,

Whatever the reason, It is region free anyways and has english subtitles, Not that anyone who buys this is having reading in mind.

My Girlfriend has played the last two games to death so I ask her what she makes of this one, She said its somewhere between the first one and the 360 one, They have taken rubbish jet skiing out, Added a bunch of more pervy modes, and a few more token game play mode Rock Climb, Flag race etc And now I can't buy shoes and nail vanish in the shop.

I do like the fact that you can just import stuff without any hassle now, All the mite be stopping you is the language barrier, The only downside is you need a Japanese PSN if you want the DLC if any, 


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