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Dash of nostalgia

My Girlfriend brought most of this stuff in, I only picked up Blazblue on PS4 that I got with some credit, Shes done quite well there, Ended up picking up all the 360 games from a local pawn shop that I had been eyeballing for a while.

A second controller for the PS4 nearly 3 years into the consoles lifespan and I still only had one controller, It's been like that for a awhile, taking my pad round to other people because no one has two controllers any more, But at sometimes £40+ plus it's no wonder people have been putting off buying a extra control for so long.

The 20th anniversary Controller, Seen my mate pick one of these up, old school PS1 grey with the old playstation decal on the PS button, No different to any other Dual shock 4 other than the aesthetics, If you're a PS1 nut like me its its the pad to have, Falling short of wanting to cough up for the full 20th anniversary PS4 that will still run you £850 second hand, I think a dash of nostalgia on the controller will do.

So blazblue then, I had Credit so I was having a look in CEX as you do, I fancied a 2D fighting game of the beaten track, I knew there was a new Guilty gear out for PS4 but wasnt sure if it had a psychical release, Then I saw chrono phantasma extend Ended up having the art book two.

Haven't delved deep into it yet but it's pretty awesome off the bat, With 28 characters and anime presentation it's everything you need from a 2D fighter and one I am going to spend some more time with in something a bit different to fill in the gap and help bring my fighting game skills up in anticipation of Street Fighter 5.
Finally Resident Evil origins collection, Pound for Pound the best value package on PS4 to Date, HD updates of Both Classics Resident evil 0 and Resident evil Remake, both these games from 2002, Have been given the HD treatment.

If you are revisiting these games then it's worth picking up, If you are a fan of the series you alright have it, And if you have never played them you will want to, Experience what a real survival horror game is all about.

Its great to have a physical release of these games previously hidden away on the Gamecube and the Wii, Now on PS4 they should finally get the attention they deserve and hopefully sending a message to capcom that the old formula was what made Resident evil great.


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