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Virtual thrift

 Some Christmas presents, Fallout 4 and black ops 3, My Call of duty experience has been up and down for years, The most fun I have ever had with it would of being black ops 2.

So black ops 3 seems like one I should check out, plus this has Local Co-op on nearly all the modes present in the game, This is becoming evermore a rarity now days, So not just points for COD, But Multiplayer in general, Points to treyarch for realizing that local multiplayer is paramount in most seasoned gamers eyes.

All the other games above mark the last order I will make from, What was not the best service in the world, but always kept you coming back because of the strange pricing on most playstation 2 games it was near impossible not to find a bargain.

 The site as been rebranded as MusicMagieStore, It does seem a lot easier to use but with this rebranding the prices seem to be more on point, this seemed to be happening in the twilight of the site when it was still thats entertainment, Where I would find items for £1.99, Then after 5 I could not purchase them anymore, Or times wheen I would try to buy something for £1.99, Then the website would have some kind of error, Then upon returning to the main page to try again the Item would have jumped up in price.

Like the games I picked up this week off there, 2 Copies of resident evil dead aim £1.99 each, Great price, And now on MusicMagpiestore, Resident evil Dead aim £9.99, Still we had a good run and I will still check the new site from time to time, lets hope the Virtual thrift can stay plentiful a while longer.

So I was having a bit of a rant a while back about the Playstation Plus free games not really been up to scratch, This month however I really have to hand it to them for the choice available, The King's quest remake,That has definitely being on my radar, And the new Gauntlet Game. 

This is really what made me think get it!, It is quite bare bones compared to other entries in the series and It's hard as nails, All are things that appeal to me when it comes to hack and slash this is more akin to the original gauntlet games then dark legacy or Seven sorrow, Definitely worth my subscription fee this month 


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