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fall in, fall out

Pick ups for this week, I went thrifting on a Monday this time out, I always wonder if there is a optimal day in the week for video game hunting, From past thrifts I would say Monday is up there for having particular good luck on. 

The stand out games from this haul go to Silent Hill and Resident evil 2 and Resident evil 3, These were all in the same charity shop mixed in with some standard ps1 fair, I have only ever found silent hill once before in the wild, £1.50 each that's a pretty sweet find.

Fallout 4 had its midnight launch the other day, both local GAME stores packed with eager gamers, I have to say I think I was the only person not that excited about it, One because I very rarely buy any game full price and two the Renewed Fallout franchise Always seemed to fail to grab me.

I have never quite shook of the feeling I am playing a elderscrolls game with guns, I guess this might be a knock on effect of liking the original fallout games, I guess I will pick this up preowned in due course, I mite end up thinking it's the best game ever and on the other hand I could end up thinking, bethesda, bethesda never changes.

So I Finally got round to playing tony hawk's pro skater 5, The idea been to take back off where THPS4 left off, This game has gotten a lot of stick online, Does it deserve it?

Answer, Yes sort off, The first and most inexcusable mistake they made is the lack of local multiplayer, Trying to rekindle the nostalgia with a more old school tony hawks game yet taking away such fundamental features that were included in all the classic version for THPS that you were trying to emulated.

There is no real create a skater mode here either, there batherlying emissions aside and what you have is a tony hawks game, somewhere between THPS 4 and Project 8, If you can look past it's shortcoming, There is a bit of fun to be had.

I don't know what is so hard to get this right, The perfect example of how to do a tony hawks game right is American wasteland it embraced the new and the old, It had the Story mode with at the time the standard GTA sandbox style, Then it had a full Classic mode, with pretty much a whole classic THPS to play alongside the main mode, This also had not just two player, But local co-op multiplayer where you and a friend could take on the high scores together at the same time, If you don't top this then your new tony hawk's game is going to seem like a step backwards and up to this point everything after american wasteland has moved farther away from this series peek.


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