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Intrinsic to the thrift

First pick up this week comes from Dove house, Capcom's Dino crisis 2 on PC, There is a stint of capcom survival horror games that made it to PC for £1, The likes of resident evil and dino crisis all have respective ports of there PS1 counterparts.

Taito legends 2 is next also for £1, These compilations are going up in value and rightly so, There probably the best retro collections to have behind capcoms classic collection and a few of the SNK ones.


Logan's Shadow, The sixth syphon filter game for £1.99, This one is the follow up to dark mirror and lesser known, It is worth about £6-8 resale.

Mcfarlane's Evil Prophecy, Only the second time I have every come across this game, Its seemly rarer then the ebay price would suggest, 99p I paid for this and surprisingly about what its worth currently.
PAC man world 2 for £1.99, I have had this game on pretty much every format it was out for the best to have it on is Xbox or game cube, But the resale price is always up and down.
Still life for the original xbox for £1.99, Not a bad game this one and a bit of a hidden gem on the old xbox, This one was in good order apart from the box was a standard DVD box and not the typical Green xbox one.
Key of heaven for PSP for £1.99 this is a Lesser known RPG on the PSP I have never played it before, Goes for about £6-8 on ebay.
Seen above is Wani Wani world for mega drive, Its a japan only game I remember playing at a friends house back when I was a kid, Never knowing the name of the game I could never find it, By chance I stubbled across it googling about and ended up finding a loose cart for about £6 on ebay, That's an awesome price considering it can sell for £25 plus in the box, Reminding me of an era where people needed two pads and a friend for multiplayer and a mega drive with the sided of the cart port chipped off to fit the J-NSTC cart in.

Lucifer's Call for £1.99 from that's entertainment, This one was missing the book, the disc was tidy, Even with the book missing its a steal at that price.

Call of Duty Finest hour on original Xbox, Nothing spetatular but complete in like new con for £1, As long as its not fifa 04 I will pick it up.

Two great games here, Strangely enough I was suggesting to a mate to get these for a underpowered net book for some min spec gaming then I found them a few days later, Icewind dale with expansion and Icewind dale 2 £1.99 each.
Bunch of PS1 games, Point blank, Tazan and yes Tunnel B1 the game I told every one to stay well clear of, Well that was before I was trying to Fill a full shelf with PS1 games, I have it on Saturn so might as well jump the shark and get it on PS1.
Ulysses 31 volume 1 and 2 £1 and 49p, The guy in cash converters who served me said "I always look at stuff like this and think who would want that it looks rubbish" My sweet summer child, Sells on Ebay about £10 each.

Couple of PC games Wipeout for £1.50, Over priced but I just love me some wipeout and never seen the first game on pc before, And Tatio Legends 1 for 50p, Great game and now I have another free art card that comes with tatio legends sweet, Mite try and get them all.
Silent Hill HD Collection and Silent Hill downpour both in cash express for £4, I have notices a lot of 360 and PS3 stuff price at around £3.99, There money in them these to sell for £12 in cex and cash of £6.
Few more good last gen deals, Gran tursimo 6 for £7, CEX sells it for £18 Cash 9, Trade £12, And Yakuza Dead souls a game I have been looking out for only £3.99 That CEX sell for £6 when they have it in stock and the Hull cex never does.
Few DVD's Back to the furture trilogy for £2 accidental hero for £1 and ELO Out of the blue tour, I have noticed a lot of Music DVD's have good resale, Stuff that is out of print and popular bands go for more, This ELO one is worth about £10.
Star wars Obi wan on xbox for 59p, and PITFALL the lost expedition, That is a So-So ps2 game, But the thing that makes it worth having this that it included PITFALL 1 and 2 on the disc and Pitfall 2 is pretty much one of the best Atari 2600 games to play.

£1 for a Disc only copy of Vitura fighter Remix, This is the updated verion of Vitura fighter 1 for the saturn with texture mapping and higher polygons on the character models and the one to have for Saturn collectors.
Realms of the Haunting and PARIS 1313 in the big boxes for 50p each, I do like me some big box PC games, I have limited room so I do pass up on them all the time but at 50p a pop I will make room.
Couple of Atari 2600 games I paid more then I would of likes £3.75 each, Its a resalable price a most of there are £5 plus on ebay so I pick them up to add to my atari collection mite have to dust off the 7800 Its been a while since I found some need atari games.

£5 each for these SNES games, Power drive, And The legend of the Mystical ninja, Both have good resale, Power drive about £9 and Mystical Ninja £25 plus, More to the point what was that doing in a random tat shop its a right game! Bar zombies, Its is one of the Rarer SNES games I come across thrifting, Would be nice to see a few more snes games turn up in the wild, Its seems like every other city has a copy of link to the past in every shop going by some of the youtube pick ups vids I have seen.

Few DVD's halo legends and dragon slayer 99p each in dove house, And £4 each for goldeneye reloaded and another copy of yakauz dead souls, in cash express

 In the local chairty shop the other day looking at a box of wires found a Sega mk 3088 Rf cable for megadrive, master system, Anything with a standard RF connection really so worth the 50p I paid for it.
 Few more Ps1 games to had to the shelf, GTA 2, Driver 2, and WWF attitude, All complete and in tidy nick, Almost filled to tiers of the black book shelf I am trying to fill up a long way to go but looking like its going to happen plenty of PS1still out there.
Had a few credit note for the odd £1 and a few pence so used them to get another copy of Star wars jedi Knight jedi academy, The last one I sold on ebay for £10 so easy fiver and better then your credit notes ending up in the wash.
I will leave you with Crash bandicoot Wrath of cortex, for £1.99, A game so common one has to wonder how it keeps such a good resale value, A game that proved its self intrinsic to the thrift


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