Damn It Feels Good To Be A thrifter
£2 for Rome total war, They are best versions of this game there is a gold edition with the expansion packs, Two pound for this standard copy is a total bargain and unlike the Shogun total war series this one doesn't link to a steam account.
Red Dwarf series 1 for £1 in dove house, Its the two disc version with all the extras, Sometimes I see the just the shows DVDs of red dwarf kicking about but these two disc sets are miles more worth having.
Best find of the day goes to the DAB radio, Pure one mini, The current model of this radio sold in retail shops goes for around £50, So £2 for last years model what a deal, Great features two it has fm, dab, and a line in and out so you can add speakers or use it as a speaker and there is a really solid beefy sound that comes out of these late 00's radios so sound is pretty good.
Off that's entertainment I find a few things, The prices have gone up a lot of the PS2 stuff, Its getting harder to find a deal on there sometimes you can click to buy something and it won't go in the basket because someone beat you to it, Its ok some stuff still slips though so its still worth a look.
Silent hill 4,Okami,Armed and Dangerous,Ridge racer,Wipeout pure, and Bratz on ps1? True classic, all £1.99 each
Need for speed hot pursuit 2 for xbox, The most sort after Version of this game on console, and one of the more desirable need for speed games before underground the follow up to need for speed 3 hot pursuit.
Otogi Myth of demons, Great game this one doesn't work on 360 witch is a really shame lots of decent titles where left off that list of compatible games, I still have an old xbox but it would of being awesome if they all worked on 360, £1.99.
Best software I found this thrift round is Shin Megami tensi Lucifer's call for £1.99, Great find, Obviously there is some resale in this, One of the Shin megami tensi games I haven't had a real go on so mite fire this up in the 60gb ps3 to see what its like.
ended up boozing it up all night without running out of more games to try, The projector its self is quite low res but on games like sonic 2 and Fighting vipers it really shines and they pop on the wrapping paper I put up for it lol.
Above you can see my mate mark walking back in showing the sale of the projection, This was defiantly one of my better finds from 2014 and well worth revisiting, I've had a look at the xbox live market place this morning while trying to shake my hangover off and there is lots of other retro 2D games on offer, Darkstakers resurrectionlooks like a good shout to play on this and the guardians heroes remake, So the xbox seems retro ready and a good choice for a low end projector getting some use out of an old 360 elite with a standard AV cable.
It seems like tekken 4 mite be a bit of a fan favourite, Even tho tekken 5 includes 1,2 and 3 on the disc, This one still sells for round the £5 mark, So £1.99 is a good price to pick it up for sometimes even cheaper.
Marvel ultimate alliance for £1.99, Again something with an easy £5 resale in it, make a bit of cash get some easy feed back, Of course more for the 360 version at £10 resale and the second game even more.
And another rare one SOS the Final Escape, I remember selling this and Raw danger for my mate a while back, I remember this did quite well about £12 at the time, So £1.99 is a great price.
In Scope, for £2.50 each we have command and conquer red alert and phantom menace, I love the phantom menace game for PS1, This was an upgrade, The copy I have had seen better days and this one was in good shape.
£1.99 in Britsh heart foundations for GTA with the map and book so way not for old times sake, Cex still sell this for £6, But cash only £1.20 and Trade only £2, More then likely because on 360 this was only £3 on a sale the other day.
Speaking of old times sake, Final Fantasy X for, You guessed it £1.99, I never know with this game now sometimes it doesn't sell on ebay and then it will get about £5 worth of bids the next time, so is it still worth picking up, £2 and under yes.
Bit of sly raccoon for £1.99, This is another franchise that can sell one week and then go flat the next, This and FFX have both had HD updates on PS3 so maybe its a case of waiting for ps2 only owners or collectors to want it, Still Under £2 is where am at with it.
And Darkstalkers Chronicles The chaos tower, bases on the Dreamcast japan only Darkstalkers, This is awesome All the guys and move sets from over 5 darkstalkers games and on the TV from the psp av out.
And to wrap in I had a clear out and got rid of some tat at CEX £15.70 Credit note, and I spent £15.50 sweet, Neighbours from hell at £3, On ebay that's a £10+ game, Project zero and Grabbed by the goulies for a bit of shelf filler and Yakuza 4 to play on, Still have a save on this game and £6 is a steal Ive seen this going in cash converters and the like for £12-£18, Bet it will end up being one I pick up in the Charity shops in a few years.