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The Thrifting Hour

First up this week is my new console, with a Dual shock 4, bowing out of ownership of alien isolation while the Trade was £36 and a bunch of other Tat and credit notes I traded in for a 2DS with Luigi's mansion 2, £78 for the 2DS and £22 for the game.

CEX let me down a bit with this translation, The guy Told me these are sold new without a power cable, This is not the case the only DS product not sold with a power cable is the 3DSXL, I even ask someone else in the store who told me the same thing? 
Anyways GAME sorted me out selling 3rd power cable for £4.99, Its a sad day when I am singing GAME's praises over CEX bad form.

So it tuck a bit to get the 2DS up to speed, I had to find a SD card for it and Recover my Network ID password, The saving grace is that the 2DS is in good con and the screens are mint so I can final play Luigi mansion 2, The squeal to one of my favourite Game Cube games.  

I Had some Credit left over from all this So I tuck a look at the ps2 games They had Megaman X command mission so I burned up the rest of the credit this was complete and really great shape.

A couple of game cube games from That's entertainment in store, Medal of Honor rising sun and NHL blitz 03, Its a breath of fresh air seeing stuff like this priced at 49p somewhere other then pawn shops, because £1.99 is to much for run of the mill stuff.
Traded in some bottom of the barrel tat at cex for Super Street fighter IV on 3DS, A cheap fix to try out some other games on the system Its missing some characters from the final version but looks great and apart from the motionless backgrounds its as good as on the home consoles
Something I have being doing this week, I went through my PS1 collection to see what discs had there soundtracks readable by my PS3, Its surprising how many of these discs have the music available on there, So I imported a bunch to give a listen some of them are great and having a shitmix of random video game music on the playstation 3 is a good way to have some tunes on there, Its not like anyone is willingly Riping music CD's to PS3, At this point in time I don't think I have more then 5 music CDs in the house, So video game soundtracks playing in the background will suffice, Its a good way of having some alternative music if I ever feel the need for a custom soundtrack in games that use that feature.
HERE is a list of know games that have soundtracks on the disc, Its not complete I noticed there are some left blank that I know do have music on the disc but it gives you a good Idea if where to start if you looking to rip any music from your playstation collection.

So many games I wanted to buy this week James who lives next door to me sorted me right out lending me Driveclub, Great to try this out its a different beast to Forza horizon 2 The graphics are fantastic and so far the single player is offering more then enough for me to keep playing.
My weekly copy of Dirge of seabrooks, I buy this game for £1.99 and sell it on ebay for about £6 every week now its the new FFX and I like it, Still waiting on some games from that's entrainment this was the first one to turn up.
This bringing my CD count up to 6 is the Kirby triple deluxe soundtrack, The fruits of registering all the Cards out of the Nintendo WII U games I finally got sick of saving them a got the only half good thing I could get with the points.

The rest of my that's entertainment order Turned up I think I did alright with Gradius V, Dark Chronicle, Silent hull 3 and Baldur's gate DA all £1.99 each with free postage.

My girlfriend ask me to take her Lego games for XBone in to CEX and pick her up The evil within with the trade, This looks awesome and another welcome horror game to play on around Halloween. Totally looking forward to this one.

Bucket load of PS1 for £1 each, Monkey hero, Rage racer, Killer loop,Xenocracy,
Auto Destruct,Syndicate wars, Bubsy 3D, The lost world Jurassic park all totally worth £1 each and a few in there you don't see very often.

Managed to cut a deal on this lot for £18 for all 3 games, Boxed Mario kart, Mario Allstars and world and Duke Nukem 3D on N64, The mario kart is where the money is, The box is a bit ruff round the edges I seen ones in worst con sell for £22 - £30, Just finding a box SNES game in Hull blows ones mind. 

Another great find at a reasonable price £5 for pokemon red, It does seem that people are getting more aware of what stuff like this is worth but as long as you undercutting eBay by a ways then its all good.

And we wrap up the Thrift with these last two games from cash generator Devil May Cry HD collection and Devil kings £4 and £1, Devil may cry HD still sells in CEX £10 and something else by capcom with devil in the title for £1 why not this is the Halloween tie in post after all, Tell the next time Thrift away!


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