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2600: A abe's oddysee

First off a bit of a recommendation, Ive being playing a lot of Shovel knight its an 8/16bit throwback and its awesome like mega-man/Ducktales on nes, Its had me hooked and a real challenge in the later levels.
As always there is lots of ps1 kicking about in the wild, The ps1 games I have piled up are coming dangerously close to becoming a collection So seeing a half decent titles at 50p to add to the tower of ps1 I have stock piles makes perfect sense. 
Picking up god of war for some Trade fodder almost out of force of habit, This one is down to £1.20 trade so only 20p and the cash is down 70p so I think this one will be left behind from now on it did have a soild Trade value back in the day but ps2 trade is fizzling out.
This is something that happened years ago for Xbox originals, only paying 50p each for these in a cash generator just because there games I don't have and they are at a good price.
Something I found out the other day Flight simulator has good resale, CEX only take it Sealed and offer £7 cash for it, There is no reason for it to be seal, and you can get near to the £15 retail on ebay for a open boxed copy complete with the serial number and this game is everywhere.
Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team for £3, This is retail at £10, £6 trade £4 cash, So at the right price you have options quick trade or ebay, The pokemon games are great the Dungeon Series not as good as the main one so Resale is the way to go with this.
Yes to black label PS1 games and more so for a command and conquer game, For £1 Any black label game that isn't you normal sports/budget crap has to be snapped up.

Again in a different cash gen, I find xbox original games all for 39p each There was a hold bunch of them I picked out the best of the bunch a few of them had the wrong disc so I put them back and made out with these 6 taq feng, Soul cal 2, Spike out, Bards tale hunter 2,halo 2.

Time to take the Trade pile in to CEX and see what I could muster with some store Credit and They had PokemonXD gale of darkness in, They have had some many heavy hitters on GameCube of late Twin snakes the zelda disc, The did have tales of symphonia but I pass, it was over priced and has had a HD re-release so is not worth the £35 price take even with trade, But this is on the money can go higher then that on ebay.

My PS4 got turned back on the other day for Oddworld New n Tasty, More then just a HD remake, The game has been remake in full 3D with a bunch of extras, Best game on PS4 at the moment. I don't know if this says more about the quilty of the original game or How good the technology is now but the pre-rendered graphics of the PS1 are recreated and expanded so well in the remake in live 3D its kinda looks the same in parts can't Recommend it enough 
Excellent find Turned up at Sunday market, Atari 2600 with 8 Games one instruction manual woah! and 3 joysticks, hook ups, One of them an official Atari joystick all for £15, The games on there own easily worth way beyond that £15 price tag.

The best of the bunch for me is this 32 in 1 cartridge, After my hand me down spectrum 128k, One Christmas I got a Atari 2600 Jr in about 1991, That came with this cartridge and the instant load of the games blowing my mind after the loading times of tapes on speccy, Here are some Highlights of the games on this cart.

UFO,Flag Capture,Human Cannonball,Reversi (Othello),CheckersSlot Racers,Blackjack,Fishing,Freeway Rabbit,Space War,Fun with Numbers,Golf,3D Tic-Tac-Toe,Surround,Miniature Golf,Boxing,Football,Air-Sea Battle,Freeway Chicken (Freeway),Tennis,Skiing,Fishing Derby,Sky Diver,Bowling,Combat,Stampede,Laser Blast,OutlawSlot Machine,Basketball,Homerun,Ant Party

Pressing power to switch between games I remember playing nearly all of these games to death, Its a strange era to remember and remark on, Lots of people boast online about gaming since 1977 on the VCS/2600, Indeed its pretty cool you where there in the beginning, But the same thing happening in the UK with the the Atari Jr in the earlier 90's meaning three decades of gamers having the same experiences at the Start of there Gaming career everyone starting with the 2600 a console that stayed in production from 
September 11, 1977 to  January 1, 1992.

Since finding my Atari 7800 I have being hoping to build up my Atari games collection, The prices are about £6 to £10 for common games, then goes up from there so finding these is a great start and having Pitfall in there is awesome and using the 7800 pad even sweeter.

Finding galaxian at sunday market, I remember the first time I when to Walton street market with the intention of finding some games and found Galaxian and Ms pac-man for 2600 back in 1997, As if I found it again in practically the same place.
Glad to have this one back Pole position, I used to play this all the time at my grandads house hooked up to an old black and white TV, white CITV played in the background, Foreshadowing my PS3 been on while watching something on my laptop, Awesome.
Second copy of centipede this one can go on the Ebay pile in can go for around £5 lower or higher depending on con, But its some easy feed back and will go to covering the cost of the bundle.

Sprint master, Never had the chance to play this back in the day it reminds me of the game on the loading screen of Fantastic four. Its hard as nails but has a lot of options for a 2600 game can change the tracks and road surfaces.
And Off the Wall, Its pretty crazy this one, Its Like break out but the paddle is a karate mister and there is a evil Caterpillar at the top as you go about your way breaking the blocks to win, Its interesting but hard to master.

Some Great stuff this time round and at the heart of my gaming roots, May just have to try harder to early bird some carboot sales, When I do it always seems to pay off, Until next time Thrift Hard!


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