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Kept you thrifting huh?

I Seized the opportunity to go thrifting again when I had a 11 finish at work, Quite close to the last time I did a big video game hunt you would think you need to leave it a bit but no days can go by and more stuff will turn in within the same week sometimes.
A good example of this is these ps1 games I was in this charity shop the day before and they had nothing and now a few ps1 games on the shelf, Not really any resale but some OK titles for collectors sled storm was way more fun then it had any right to be.

In scope and these three 360 where sticking out like a sore thumb £3 each I figured rescue captain America and terminator and batman will have the money in it surprisingly captain america £6 cash £8 Trade, Batman £3 cash £4 Trade and Terminator 90p cash £1.40 trade blizzard

Had a Second Glance at the gameboy games in cash convertors and picked up the ones that where 99p 007, Waverave, F1 racing, and £3 a piece for sonic advance and Crash xs, probably over paying for the GBA games by a £1

In cash generator and they had the 3 for £2.50 deal on, So i looked through and try to find myself a deal, Two spiderman games in tidy con Ultimate and friend or foe making the bluk of the deal.

And Resident evil Outbreak the 3rd Game £2.50 for 3 ps2 games is pretty good going ok lots of places have them at 99p each but its just as likely to see the at £1.99 each so if you can make a saving and there is some ok titles there why not.

My mates just got a new gaff above that cash generator so I popped round after thrifting, and He tried out some of PS2 games I found on his sick PC, The PS2 emulator PCSX2 makes PS2 pop, Some of the PS2 games we tried looked better then the HD re-releases on ps3 like ICO and highlight details on PS1 games you would of missed otherwise like in silent hill, If you have a high end PC playing PS2/PS1 on it is recommended!

Probably the 527th copy of crash banicoot wrath of cortex, black label and complete so can't of left that behind for 99p, £3 cash and £4 trade in CEX still till this day and while that still stands its always going to get snapped up for 99p what a game wheres the HD release of this!

NHL 06 for £1, Ok I know what your thinking that's a shitty sports title that's worth -25p have you gone mad, Calm down there is a totally awesome reason for picking up this particular version of a so-so mid 00s hockey game.

It has a old school version of NHL 94 on the disc, What up! I love me some old school mega drive style hockey and been able to slam it on on a ps2 with a duel shock 3 sweetens the deal.

I picked up Infamous second Son and dusted off the PS4, All week I have been mulling other weather to get infamous or titianfall, GTA superhero? or COD with mech's? So the story and writing of suckerpunch won out, And I ended up Get Final Fantasy X/X2 HD for ps3 the amount of money them two games have made me other the years FFX in particular, I felt like giving a little back cheers Square-enix you sorted me right out for years!

Last up, I am always looking for posters for my games room so kudos to Sarah for bringing me in this sweet game of thrones poster, most of the time I just relay on finding them inside game boxes and the likes so I would of never would of thought to go and buy something like this, Awesome.




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