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Thrift Processing!

A variable mix of Retro awesomeness Awaits us this time round lets Dive in and take a look at what was on offer.

Super Mario Sunshine and Soul Calibur 2 On gamecube, Both in a red cross Charity shop, £10 for Mario, Anything with Mario on is going to be over price £10 is quite Fair, Then On Soul Caliber 2 they had £12.50? CEX sells this for £5,  Passed on Both.

 I did Pick up a Copy of Sims 2 (DVD Rom) for £1, This is always good to pick up for a £1, Cex give £3 cash £4 trade, I was heading that way later on so I Traded this in on the same Day I picked it up.

Something kinda of shitty about Donating things that don't work, Skyrim for 99p Its steam registered so Its useless to anyone after one person has used the disc, At the very least Free map but that's about all the disc is a Drinks Coaster.

Winning Big with this Grandstand BMX Flyer LCD Electronic Game From 1983, Boxed up For £3 at Market/Carboot, I knew for sure it was worth more then £3 quid and even it it didn't work it was still cool to put it in the games room on Display so £3 I will take it home.
Turns out it does work and I checked on Ebay and the only one on there in the box in the same con as this one I watched tell it ended and it finished at £70 holy shit balls!

Couple of Dos games 2 for £1 in scope, Dominus and Ad & d worth about £3 on a good day and Dark sun Wake of the Ravager that's about a £8 game on a good day so £1 for both is a great deal.

Feeling a bit nostalgia when I saw Fade to Black for £1 so I picked it up, Little did I know I already own a copy of this game, I would like to see a black label copy of this tho I only ever seem to see the Platinum version, That happens a lot, Picking up the same game have lots of ps1 its hard to keep track of them.

49p each for Overboard! Sheep Dog n wolf and Street Racer, I was only talking about Street Racer last time and all the Different Version, So Now I have it on Saturn and PS1, Snes Megadrive next week then.
Finally Got to CEX with some tat to trade in with and that copy of sims 2 in the mix and Pick up these, Street fighter alpha anthology and BOF dragon quarter, Not a bad couple of games.

Last Bronx Finally Turned up, Good Job I nearly put Tunnel B1 in the Saturn but then I started coughing blood and stopped my self, It had a sweet inlay for some upcoming Saturn games in it awesome stuff!

I have had about £6 on a Reward card for GAME for ages and never found Anything worth getting even with the money off still over priced, Then I was taking a short cut through there the other day and saw this, Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice, Thats going in the RPG Stash!

Some store Credit got me Resi 0 that I will be playing on wii U that does make wii games look nicer going through the HDMI.
Then a whole bunch of Tat for £3.38, G police 2, Colin Mcrae, Outrun,midways arcade treasures 3, Gantlet,187 ride of die,metal slug 4, beyond good and evil, disney exsteme skate,Urbz, and GT 4. all 39p and 19p mite aswell.

So a Rare thing happened to me the other day, I finally Found a normal proper job with a Respectable company, This Giving me Financial stability for the foreseeable future, So I added a PS4 to collection and Now I have all 3 consoles at the start of the current gen so as it stand at the moment whats the Deal?

I am inclined to go with the one I am having the most fun with, Hands down the Wii U is the winner and all because of Super Mario 3D worlds, Made even better with some local co-op yeah people still play games in the same room as each other and nintendo are the only company that seemed to get that, So while every one else is playing Tomb raider 2013 again, If your a wii u owner evil laugh now.

2nd place is the Xbox one just for having Dead rising 3 and Killer instinct two games that piss me off just as much as I enjoy playing them, Killer instinct drip feeding you the game, We have only just got spinal and there is still no arcade mode yet WTF? and Dead rising has its moments but there is a level of frustration in there two, The 4od app gives you Achievements because people would Rather watch benifit street then play Ryse?

So why is the one with the best Hardware last up in my opinon? Because of Killzone Shadow fall, The most boarding annoying peace of shit first person shooter I have ever played, If this was a PS2 game you would of turned it off after ten minutes what a load of crap, Ok there's Resogun I haven't played yet and Outlast a really good port of the P.C game But Killzone is such a piss poor effort I can't See past it.

Of Course it is not going to stay like this as more games come out, Xbox one users are getting shafted by Microsoft with Elder scrolls online you still needed gold but on PS4 you don't need P.S plus, And Playstation users getting stuff for Free but Nintendo and Microsoft don't give free stuff away? Why? Well Microsoft did start giving away games that where £2.50 in CEX for 360 Like we where all suppose to be amazed, And looking at the Up and coming Release Dates for Games, A Choice between Infamous: Second Son and TitianFall Compared to The Games that 360 and PS3 are getting  South Park: The Stick of Truth South, Tales of Symphonia HD Collection, Fable Anniversary etc,  You mite as well stick it out with the last Gen for a while.

Anyways that enough with all that new Stuff, I am in the mood for some blast processing.

Found at market this Mark 1 Sega Mega drive for £5, I would of low balled them about £2 or £3 but the people where with a charity so its a fair cop.

Came with Fifa 97 but missing the power cable, This was the perfect time to Rotate the collection lots of people do this spend some time with one console and making sure its all working and the best it came be, Then move on to the next one, Sorted the Saturn out last week so getting a mega drive up and running sounds like a plan, So we need a 9v DC adaptor to power the megadrive, Normally a maplin or ebay job, But I have 3 boxes of spare parts and Retro crap and it was a safe bet they would be a plug in there so I rooted them out and found one.

 So once again we do the Dance of the RF, Trying to get it to Tune in to the TV, I have loads of Sega RFs the MK - 3088 the most common, How well they work varies on how old and worn they are and what TV your trying it with.
Then there is the MK 3092 mostly seen with master systems both will work fine on an old TV but a modern LCD you have slim to no chance, The RF that comes with the mark 2 Megadrive only works with that model and I don't have one of them so these two will have to do.

 No joy at all with the MK-3092, And 1 out of 3 of the MK-3088 Just about working both through the TV and an Old VCR, Strange that the Video Recorder did not pick up a better picture, Damn, I think in this modern era RF is just a pain in the ass unless you have a PC adaptor for them So AV cables all the way to ebay!

£2.35 on ebay and came the next day get in, These work with all Mega drive and Master system so its a total deal, Why it has to be a different connection I don't know The NES and the Amiga just have the yellow and white pins on both sides, Let hook this bad boy up.

That's More like it, So glad to have a mark 1 Megadrive pimped out, The sound is better on this model as well as ascetically just looking boss, Now its all up and running I was browsing Ebay for some More Games only having about 15 games for the system.

Not Really finding anything most games not sports cart only all kicking round the £5 mark and anything half decent going up from there, Then I was out today and found this in Cash convertors.

£59.99 For all these games, At First glad I was thinking who they kidding, but when I saw what was there and did the maths that works out at £2.14 each, And considering what titles where there its a Great Deal and lots of Resale to get a Rebate on the £60 price tag.

On Ebay Batman in the box about £20, Xenon 2 in the box about £10, Toe jam and Earl about £20, Street Fighter 2 Champions Edition about £10, So the Cost has already been covered by these 4 games making the rest of them essentially Free!

James pond 1, World of Illusion Ariel little mermaid, Zero Wing, Mega games 6, Corporation, Mirco Machines 2 Turbo, Ecco 2, Ecco, Menacer 6 games, Jurassic park X2, Sonic 1 X2, Soinc spinball, Olympic gold, Alex Kidd The Enchanted castle, Aladdin, Zoop, RBI baseball 4, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Robocod, and Sonic and knuckles.

That's a Lot of mega drive action to be getting on with before I even think of Reselling some of these I am going to kick back and play me some MD Sweeet!!! tell next time Thrift on!





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