Rolling Start!
Taking in to account what I heard on the grapevine (youtube) That this time of years is suppose to be very fruitful for Pick ups, I can never make my mind up weather this is true or not in Hull, yes there is lots of stuff out there by the end of January its not all what you would call top billing for pick ups.
So Many PC games, In Scope, This is what I was talking about lots of stuff here but nothing really high in resale, But on a deal 2 for £1 so I mite as well pick some up for that price so I had a Look and got a few that looked good.

Bards tale for £1, Been playing this on Android so picked it up again, And mini Ninjas on PC witch surprisingly Doesnt have any cash or trade in it at CEX, The ps3 and 360 have £5 and £3, But they only sell the PC game for 75p Damn.
Finally a true bargain, Divinity 2 Dragon Quest Saga, Two games in one on this disc, Been after this for a while, Cex have it for £10, Cash convertors was selling it For £6 so I picked it up hope this will fill the RPG game up tell Xbox one sorts its act out and gets some games out for it.
Yet more PC games
Two Worlds and Mega drive clasic collection Volume 1, 2 for £1 again, I wanted Two worlds and the mega drive game was just because it was 2 for 1, Its just 5 roms on a disc for all its worth. comix zone and golden axe tho you could do worst.
Yet more PC game Action This time I snap up Torchlight, I already have this game installed on my laptop Its a Diablo clone a really sweet one, Really think this game is awesome so to own it in the box For £1.25 its a deal.
Finally Had something to pool all my CEX Credit together for.

Its Not Like the GameCube Set the world on Fire going up against The Xbox and PS2 at the time not having GTA been one of the main pissers, But still a good machine to pick things up for snagging these Donkey konga bongos for £2.50 in CEX.
Another Nintendo Accessories that comes in handy Is This Wii classic controller, Found at market £3, This is the newer model with the hand Grips, and pretty cool that it comes in black to match my Wii-u.
But as far as Awesome Accessories goes Sega wins the day with this next find
The Arcade Racer official analog Steeling wheel for the Sega Saturn, This did need cleaning up really bad, It was covered in dust and crap and was getting rained on at the time I found it at Market, This Cost £1, For that price It was worth buying to See if it worked I would of paid upto £5.
Luckily I am well equipped to tested This out, Surprisingly I do not owned a copy of Sega Rally on Saturn wtf? How do you own 2 Sega Saturn's and Not ended up with a copy of Sega rally, Anyways Outrun Virtua Racing and Daytona USA will do the Trick.
Get in this thing totally works what a total bargain, There is a lot of games that are unplayable without this Wheel, F1 challenge and Hang on Gp 95, So its a must for any saturn owner, Going to hit ebay and pick up some more cheap racing games for this.
So glad I found the saturn wheel, Thinking I mite of lost my mind picking up P.C games like they where AES carts, Sometimes when there loads of games in front of you the tendency to get carried away is always there. But that's OK your going to pick up so crap now and again that's what CEX is there for Thrifters Recycle bin.
Another Nintendo Accessories that comes in handy Is This Wii classic controller, Found at market £3, This is the newer model with the hand Grips, and pretty cool that it comes in black to match my Wii-u.
But as far as Awesome Accessories goes Sega wins the day with this next find
The Arcade Racer official analog Steeling wheel for the Sega Saturn, This did need cleaning up really bad, It was covered in dust and crap and was getting rained on at the time I found it at Market, This Cost £1, For that price It was worth buying to See if it worked I would of paid upto £5.
Luckily I am well equipped to tested This out, Surprisingly I do not owned a copy of Sega Rally on Saturn wtf? How do you own 2 Sega Saturn's and Not ended up with a copy of Sega rally, Anyways Outrun Virtua Racing and Daytona USA will do the Trick.
Get in this thing totally works what a total bargain, There is a lot of games that are unplayable without this Wheel, F1 challenge and Hang on Gp 95, So its a must for any saturn owner, Going to hit ebay and pick up some more cheap racing games for this.
So glad I found the saturn wheel, Thinking I mite of lost my mind picking up P.C games like they where AES carts, Sometimes when there loads of games in front of you the tendency to get carried away is always there. But that's OK your going to pick up so crap now and again that's what CEX is there for Thrifters Recycle bin.