My name is Gav and I'm your Thrifting man. Yes, I am.
It always surprises how quickly your luck can turn around hunting for video games out in the wild, What seems like a quite day out and about can suddenly turn it to a monumental days Thrifting.
Started of the day before my big massive thrift, I picked up a few things locally, Bagging Desert Strike and Jungle Strike complete in the box in really good con for 50p each, These games are good shooters frustrating as all hell but still quality.

The Next Day it was way into a days hunting Think I wasn't going to find anything then I hit upon the mother lode of PS1 games, There was loads there I picked out the best of the bunch 50p each so I just give them £5 and let them keep the change, Here's the rundown
Croc 2
Digimon World
Spiderman 2
Crash Bash
Some To play, Some for nostalgia, But mostly the resale, Digimon world be top billing on that front. There was miles more I left in the shop for 50p each had to pass up on any PS1 that's not sports.
After That I win big again with Day of the Tentacle/Sam and max hit the road for IBM and Windows Great game High resale, And Fallout collections not so Rare but still a fantastic bunch of games Fallout fallout 2 and fallout Tactics.
Next up in Cash converters I find Dead Angle for sega master system, Nothing mind blowing but random master system games don't turn up every day so snap them up when you can.
Then topped that off with this sweet logitech m185 wireless mouse, Retails for about £12-15 pound, For £2.50, I have used this today its a really quality solid wheel mouse with one of them USB with the slim profile nice.

Sid Meier's Pirates Limited Edition DVD Collector's Box set In really good shape, The T-shirt Is still sealed up and the game and map look like new, For £2.50 what a great deal.
Two Sealed up copy's of Worms Blast, Its a Bust-a-move clone these also included worms pinball on Disc a miles better game then worms blast I am going to keep one for worms pinball and then eBay the sealed one.
£1.99 for Golden eye in Cash generator, I can't Argue with that I would buy this for £1.99 everyday of the week a classic game always worth revisiting just for the multi-player alone.
Taz wanted isn't worth anything just picked it up to play again and still £2 trade in battlefront 2, Both 49p each so not bad always in the market for some trade fodder.
Trade fodder that comes in handy for when Cex get games like this in magna carta 2 on 360 another RPG going up in value, That I will put to one side with the rest of the RPGs I have been hording.
The next gen is a bit sparse, One game both PS4 and Xbone owners can jump into is Assassins Creed IV, Story wise who cares but 20min in you can clear off and pirate about, Think overboard PS1 but Next gen graphics, that you can tell are a better the 360 and PS3.
Command and Conquer Red Alert for 50p, There really has been loads of PS1 kicking about I think people must be reaching right to the back of the cupboards for that after xmas clear out.
More Trade Fodder with Rachet and clank 3 49p, And R-Type Final the lowest priced of the R-type Games but still worth 49p to have ago.
Deus Ex complete for windows this was only 35p in cash convertors for both Deus ex games its pretty sweet 35p its awesome, Then I realized there was a whole box of PC games behind me that where Reduced to 35p.
So I picked the box dry taking anything ok to So-So on the Trade prices, So Why by 15 crap pc games For £5.25, 35p each? If the shop is selling them that cheap surely there is nothing in them for anyone Else.
Why spend more then you need too, All the Rareish Games are in CEX and any why you can bag then Cheap leaves you room for profile, Reselling on Ebay, That and why paid £15 quid for a game when you can spend £5.25 its Thrifty to the core.
Nothing mind blowing to spend this on there today I will wait it out and check the website to see if anything rare turns up, The stand out game of all of the stuff I found was Digimon World It sold for a record breaking £23.50, Tell next time Thrift on!