Adventures in the Tat Trade
First thrift of the new year and before going out I find myself checking out some of the stuff I found before xmas.
Like these two Amiga Posters in the box of amiga games I found at market, One of them a promotional leaflet and the other a epic full size Leatherneck poster boasting The 4 player mode of the game.

Hexen for Ps1 for £1.50, Great deal playing loads of amiga stuff put me in the mood for a some old school fps action, So this was a right score the resales not bad on this about £10 for the ps1 copy.
Fighting Force 99p from cash converters, Great Game it started off in its early development as Streets of Rage 4 but the deal with sega fell through so It was release with some name changes as fight force playing it you can really tell.
Couple of PS2 games £1.50 each, on the money, Dragons lair 3D and The classic Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Makes me wonder why the Gauntlet series has lots steam not been a release since Seven sorrow on ps2 in 2005 shame great games.

Flight of the Amazon Queen, Never played this one, £1.20 from Charity shop, Place it on eBay and had loads of interest over seas, Tested it out with Dosbox its another classic point and click games for IBM pc and compatibles.
A game I have played its Pinball Illustions Again on IBM pc on 3.5 floppy's This is the precursor to True pinball one of my Favorite games of all time this verion features 3 of the 4 tables out of True pinball, The company who made this now makes battlefield.
And Pirates! gold on CD rom for IBM, There seems to be a bit of a resurgence for old big boxes, I recall working at gamestation some of the staff used to bin the big boxes and just put the game out in the jewl case so there definitely are rarer sight in the cardboard.
Dragon quest monster joker for DS, Lose Cart 99p strong franchise so no brainer to pick this up for less the a quid.
Final Fantasy Tactics for £1.99 The final Fantasy Tactics series used to be a good gambit for some high Resale like the ps1 version that been back then when that came out Tactics games on console where a rare sight now Tactics spin offs are every where.
And last up Monster hunter Tri for £1.99, Think this is going in the wii u for a go, Should look awesome up-scalded slightly not really played that much monster hunter since the frist PSP one so nice to jump back in and see whats, What.

My mate dave's PSP had seen better days the analogue stick not working so he bunged me a some of his psp collection he can't play Sweet!
So not a bad start to the year hopefully when where in full swing I
will find some more systems of the top of my head a Sega Multi-mega and a Amiga CD32 are at the top of the wish list.