Thriftbytes on X

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I like the way you MOVE

Guy Fawkes Night is nearly here, Halloween just gone I managed to complete Resident Evil Code Veronica X just in time for the festivities, I think next year I need to pick a more relaxed horror game because Resi Veronica x is hard as nails.

I can't Really remember if I was been precarious with my time management, I must of left it in the menus a few times when I was doing something else but with all the backtracking and impossible moments that keep you retrying I will settle for that E ranking and the 10 and a half hours it took to get.

First couple of pick ups in the bag from cash generator, Nothing mega rare, but still very good value for money at 39p for Spawn Armageddon and Lego indy, It would have to be some major tat to pass up for that price.

Then Hitting up my Local Carboot/Market, I found this Commodore 64 Plug and Play for £1, The guy selling it thought it was a C64 Joystick, Just a few nights before seeing this thing I saw a video on them, Apparently they are hardware based and there is no emulation going on inside this thing for all intents and purposes this is a Shrunk down C64, witch leaves the modding possibility's  wide open, They sell for about £12-£15 on Ebay Currently.

One other find at Market was this not sealed but nearly new Dual Shock 2 in the original packaging for £2, Since getting my games room sorted It seemed the right time to pimp my PS2 out, I was a bit sick of rocking cheap 3rd party controllers hence having sold all my Dual Shock 2's to CEX for £5 cash.

I was curious to see if it had changed from £4 trade £3 cash, As you can see above, The Dual shock 2 pad is no longer bought by CEX, It was a good run they couldn't run a business on PS2 Controllers and Final Fantasy X forever, I wonder what the next Console accessories you can make a quick buck on will be?

Then I was Checking a local tat shop on the way back from the Carboot and Saw this sitting on top of a load of sports titles, £1 for Digimon world 4 is pretty sweet as I pass the guy the money he was slagging of the £10 grainger games sticker and Receipt he found inside the box Little did he know this is one occasion where that old Price is nearer the mark, This game currently going for £15-20 on Ebay, Didn't stop me joining in like.

This next item is from a great little shop called sparks, This shop has been open for years since I was a kid, The current owners seem to actively undercut ebay by about £2-3, Young Merlin on SNES been a prime example of that, Its kind of refreshing to see a shop with this amount of Retro for resealable prices, Couple of quid for a half decent lose SNES cart there is not much on that system you would pass up at £2.

Used some Credit at CEX this week, Traded that worzel gummidge box set and FFXIII-2 for Agarest Gen of war 1, Now I can play these in order because it goes 1, 0, then 2.
Half-Life Generation for £1, Loads of game for the money I know there are more updated and modded ways to play this game, But when your rocking a Intel 965 GMA, Its nice to just install something that will run smooth for a change.
Blazing Angels on PC, The second one of the series on 360 was a bit of a winner a few weeks back so the first one on P.C should be worth picking up for £1.

So BlockBuster are Going into administration AGAIN, Maybe It was because of the 70% off deal, Well you would think so, Since the Deal they have on at the moment is only 25% and 10% on selected items? Yes that's right games that would of cost you £1.79 a few weeks ago when the company was afloat now cost you more now the company is going down the pan? 
Then there is the Pre-Orders for PS4 and Xbox ONE, I was in there as some women was Trying to Swap over her Pre-Orders for assassin's creed IV and COD Ghost from PS3 to the PS4 versions because she had Pre-Ordered her son the PS4 from that store, This then proceeded with the guy having to explain to her he had to Refund all deposits for PS4, The women didn't really seem that pissed off about it, It kind of figures she wasn't to mad about it, Lets face it any one who Pre-Orders anything from blockbuster In this day and Age must have had more money then sense since about the Mid 90s, Anyways you must be a bit stuck in your ways To think that Blockbuster is a relevant shop to secure an order for any product on the day of launch.

Anyways so like a vulture picking away the last bits of flesh, I got 10% off both this play-station move navigation controller and The game Sorcery that for a Move game is a bit more extensive and has a deeper gameplay experience and one of the better move titles, So both for under £12 its a good deal.

I Pick up the playstation move navigation controller because without it Sony expects players to hold the PS3 controller in one hand to act as the analogue stick and the few extra buttons, Their is a reason the Wii mote has a nunchuck design, Because holding a Full size controller in one hand is uncomfortable and counterproductive, Its seems pretty pointless to use the alternative controller when you still have to use the standard one at the same time WTF! So the Navigation controller is a must, Plus it is a really comfortable and a easy way to navigate the Dash board of the PlayStation 3, Great for flicking Though apps and watching stuff on your console, In a way its better then the PlayStation Move Motion Controller because it seems more functional, Its this part of the accessory that got me Thinking.

This Thing In the Photo to the Left is the One Grip one handed PlayStation 1 controller, I had one of these things back in the day and Tried desperately to get it to work with a whole host of different games, some games would demand a more ergonomic placement of the buttons, But the one genre of games that this pad works great with was RPGs, I ended up give this pad away but always wish I had kept it so I could chill out and play some Final Fantasy VII one Handed.

So I am sat looking at the Move Nav controller Thinking can I make this thing do What that old PS1 pad did? Its current Gen compatibility always seems to be an issues I was thinking there is no way this think is going to still function once I boot up a PS1 game on the PS3. So using a standard PS3 pad I start up Final Fantasy 7 then I go into the Controller configure options make the necessary changes for one handed controls, Then On the Nav controller I hold the Playstation button and assign the pad to the first port and type 1/ 1-A with my Fingers Crossed.

GO ON!!! There it is one handed RPG action on FF7 on the ps3 and there I am above having a fight making cloud kick some ass

L2 to run and using the D-PAD with my thumb Like it was made to be played like this, I was so glad to have this kind of set up back for RPGs, Think about all the PSX games that only Used the D-PAD and 4 buttons or Less, This is the ultimate in lazy gaming.


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