Thrifting only happens when theres games
Taking in the epic thunder storm the other night, Incidentally It wasn't Raining when this was going on, Fleetwood mac offically full of shit.
First up on the pick up, Once again up on Sunday for market finding this sweet Dragon branded 3rd party SNES controller with turbo settings, I think after a bit of a clean up I will keep this its awesome, and Snowboard kids on N64 that's worth £10 ebay, £3 for the game and the pad so result.
For £1 I picked up monster hunter 2 freedem, Missing the cover but for £1 it was worthy of recusing, There was loads of Game cubes that day as well but every one seem to think £10-20 is about right on price, Maybe with a Game boy player add on.
Something inherently more cool then a overpriced beat up GameCube is this original Game Boy with 5 games I payed £5 for total bargain really shocked how good the version of road rash is on GB and the rest of the games are the ushall suspects Super mario land Tesserae, And something that you Find with every Game boy ever, The rudimentary Two Copy's of tetris.
Then soon after finding the Game boy, I found The printer and camera for £3 each, Its always fun finding one of these gameboy cameras, A bit like when you find a memory card to see what Game saves are left on there it offers an insight into the person who own this before you.

It Started of Innocent enough, What seemed to be loads of pictures of westlife Joe from friends, and Garth gates.

I even found an old print off in the printer box of some guy filling his boots in a cafe, looking pretty happy about it.
Towards the back of the GB Cameras memory, Things started getting a bit weird, For some reason there is always pictures of some middle age women in her knickers on these things, And I have had a fair few GB cameras in the passed, Needless to say I couldn't show you the ones after this.. woah!
Ip man On DVD for £1 its two discs with loads of extras, Anyone who has not seen ip man and is into marshal arts movies It really is a must see, having an interst in Wing chun This film has some really good exsample of it that and the prodical son are really good wing chun style kung fu movies.
£2 cash £4 trade it is also the king of iron thrift!.
Marvel ultimate alliance, worth big buck on 360 about £22, on PS2 its more like £10 but still great.
99p for FFX-2 its got about £4 in it on ebay, keeps the feed back going up. and this one was in really nice con.
Gun grave £1.99 you don't see this very often but the price isn't very reflective on the rarity. about £5 on a good day.
Spyro Fusion and a sponge bob game for GBA, Kids games on GBA area save bet as long as its nothing to rubbish 99p is a good price on individual carts.
I had an audio book on tape as a child called the haunting of toby jubb, By dennis wheatley, Only one torrent for this audio book online with no seeded, Found a guy who puts them on to CD for reasonable price.
Resident evil 4 is always a good seller somewhere in £5 - £7 I got this FFX and Champions of north on a deal 3 for £2.50.
FFX... It seems no matter how many copy's you take of the streets they grow back somehow.
Capcom vs snk 2, Not bad not up there with marvel vs capcom 2 or 3rd strike but still a nice fighter game for £1.99
Champions of norrath, From the school of baldaur''s gate dark alliance runs on the same engine and pretty rare for all accounts about £10.

For £1 I picked up monster hunter 2 freedem, Missing the cover but for £1 it was worthy of recusing, There was loads of Game cubes that day as well but every one seem to think £10-20 is about right on price, Maybe with a Game boy player add on.
Something inherently more cool then a overpriced beat up GameCube is this original Game Boy with 5 games I payed £5 for total bargain really shocked how good the version of road rash is on GB and the rest of the games are the ushall suspects Super mario land Tesserae, And something that you Find with every Game boy ever, The rudimentary Two Copy's of tetris.

Ip man On DVD for £1 its two discs with loads of extras, Anyone who has not seen ip man and is into marshal arts movies It really is a must see, having an interst in Wing chun This film has some really good exsample of it that and the prodical son are really good wing chun style kung fu movies.
£2 cash £4 trade it is also the king of iron thrift!.
Marvel ultimate alliance, worth big buck on 360 about £22, on PS2 its more like £10 but still great.
99p for FFX-2 its got about £4 in it on ebay, keeps the feed back going up. and this one was in really nice con.
Gun grave £1.99 you don't see this very often but the price isn't very reflective on the rarity. about £5 on a good day.
Spyro Fusion and a sponge bob game for GBA, Kids games on GBA area save bet as long as its nothing to rubbish 99p is a good price on individual carts.

I had an audio book on tape as a child called the haunting of toby jubb, By dennis wheatley, Only one torrent for this audio book online with no seeded, Found a guy who puts them on to CD for reasonable price.
Resident evil 4 is always a good seller somewhere in £5 - £7 I got this FFX and Champions of north on a deal 3 for £2.50.
FFX... It seems no matter how many copy's you take of the streets they grow back somehow.
Capcom vs snk 2, Not bad not up there with marvel vs capcom 2 or 3rd strike but still a nice fighter game for £1.99
Champions of norrath, From the school of baldaur''s gate dark alliance runs on the same engine and pretty rare for all accounts about £10.