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Window shopping

On the back of all the great retro consoles I have found recently and in general the high quality of all the items I have manged to
Procured over the pass month or so, I was in no real rush to replenish my current Ebay stock. So I was taking a more laid back and slow approach to thrifting about town, Taking in some paths and walk ways off the beaten track for a change, Turns out this little cut thought gets me to the shops faster then the path I usually take.
The Photo above is The window of a shop in Hull called Chinese Laundry. Its a vintage clothing boutique, The thing about this shop window that always caught my eye is the box of the 1978 prinztronic tournament IV pong machine, The amount of times I walk passed that shop window looking at that box speculating of my likelihood of ever finding something that old and retro hunting around the city I live.

Well I don't have to speculate any more because I found the exact Same one. Boxed in sailors society charity shop for £10. At first I thought it was missing the power cable for it, But it turns out These where powered off C batteries and very rarely where any of the pong machines sold with a plug. I found this out because some one had left the original receipt for it in the boxed.

As you can see on the 23/11/1978 The machine cost £16.95 plus 90p for 6 batteries. adjusted for inflation this equates to £86.72 in today's money. 

The store in question can be seen in the photo above, To the far left you can see Dixons half in shot, This is Silver street circa 1970 just passed whitefriargate. Its like the origin of most of the Retro I acquire has a story to tell, This prinztronic tournament IV left behind enough evidence To fine where it originated from, And offers an insight in to a time not so long ago for lots of people and a history lesson for myself When the Atari 2600 and Fairchild channel F would be considered high spec and Pong was King.

Jumping back to the more recent passed now with a rundown of other pick up I found that day kicking off with starwars battlefront 2 a very popular title, Always worth picking up for £3 or less I paid £1 for this tidy copy.
Dead or alive for £1, Not the rarest game in the world but at this point as long as its not a sports game or some really crappy Midas budget title then its a save bet. Plus Its a cracking fighting game and a pioneer in boob physics technology.

Grand theft  auto san andreas strategy guide for £1 This had a load of GTA maps for the games inside the pages always good to have some spare video game maps kicking around so you can make the games complete.
A copy of The house of the dead 3 on Xbox, That I can finally bundle with the only light gun that I am aware of coming out for xbox that green madcatz one that came with my xbox one... I mean Xbox 1... Original xbox, Great name for a console not confusing at all.

Most of the stuff I found this time was in places I haven't frequented for a while, prolificness does pay off mostly all the time but having a set route does miss out the odd patch of shops here and there glad I did a sweeper run of the ones I usually miss out So next time I would like a Philps CD-I, a FM towns Marty and a Super Nintendo all boxed. Slightly ambitious but just a few weeks ago I would of said the same about an Amiga 600 and Commodore 64.




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