The Rare Transfer X: Tekken The Piss
Had a really good result on ebay the other day lots of stuff finishing
way over the going rate e.g
Psychic force 2 fetched in £12.80 on the PS1.
Last time I sold that game it was more £6
The easy £4 in cex on ps2 games is pretty much gone.
I found tekken 5 for 69p and unwitting thought to myself I had £4 in the bag for it.
The price had come down to £3 That is still pretty good if your only paying 69p for something.
The reason the easy £4 CEX deal came about is because £4 was the maximum amount of cash paid out for seemingly Common games, The Three things on the thrift we look out for, Common enough to find regularly and profitable enough to keep spending 50p to £1.99 on, standard charity shop/cash converters pricing, And that the Item Is about the same price to buy or less then the price on ebay once you take into account Fees and postage.
That said the only Playsatation 2 games That fetch £4 cash in CEX now are not common and mostly RARE e.g.
Crazy they give the same amount of cash for tekken 5 as they do for something like Dark chronicle a much rarer game.
Any of these games on ebay will make about the retail price of £18 some may fall shy of £18, Dark Cloud is more £12-£15 and then others way beyond £18 I have seen .hack part 2 go for up to £27.
Sometimes the trade price can come in to play when the cash prices are low the Trade price most of the time stays the same or comes down less and slower, and buying and selling stuff all the time like I do there is always some run off.
My Trading pile, Mostly stuff I get free in blockbuster on there buy one get one free deal.
Trading all this in got me £13 trade. This would have being half that if I had tekken the cash. see what I did there.
So Its finding something to get your money out of What you can find in the wild, If you buy £5 worth of tat and can trade it for £13. Plus it give you the chance of picking up Rarer games CEX is really good for having a great selection of rare titles in store.
Silent Hill Collection PS2, Again. I paid the £5 on top of the credit note, Checking ebay the only listing in the UK for this at the moment is £27.50+ £3 postage buy it now. Its in good order missing the book to Silent hill two. the best thing about this collection is all the Game discs and manuals are the standard single versions, Its the box that makes it worth so much more money, I do have a copy of Silent hill two with the box so was able to make this complete.
Right then I am of to carry on playing the cryisis 3 beta, That I wasn't sure on tell I stopped dying and kicked the door off a downed plane and as I moved outside totaled some unsuspecting guy with my space rifle at close range... yeah its not bad.