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You need a little dualshock treatment

Its happens time to time on Thrift Bytes I find the good old PlayStation 2 Dual-shock 2 controller.
Usually for £1/50p cheap and worth picking up because of the easy £5 cash CEX pay out.

But although this Control pad is very durable and well designed you will sometime find them bent out of shape.
But what standard do they need to be upto? 

they need to pass the retail  shops...


There is 3 steps to this test all shops that take in PS2 pads follow

Step 1. Press all the button like your trying to do the worlds hardest QTE.

Step 2. With you forefinger and Thumb run along the wire checking for any breaks 
in the insulation.

Step 3. Shake the pad like your san de amigo to find out if it rattles like 
a pair of maracas

The wire being damage is hard pressed to deal with but rattling and the buttons are a easy fix if you do find your self with a pad you need to get passed its pad M.O.T

This Pad was rattling because small bits of the casing broken of inside and L2 wasn't pressing in properly.
The rattling is as simple as opening the pad with a Philips screw driver and shacking the bits out the button is going to need a new piece of rubber.

This old faulty PS1 pad will come in handy.
It was the wire that had gone on this pad so all the bits inside will still be ok. Plus nothing much had changed with Sony pads since 95 so all the bits fit in newer controllers.

Thats what we need that rubber thing. flick that out without tearing it and where good to go.

Right then we got this, all the bits of plastic are shaken out of the PS2 pad and we are ready to set the new rubber button in place.

Once in place the button should feel sharp and responsive and click back into place not sponge like or hardly pressing in.
Then screws back in and tighten up and if needed a wipe with wet cloth. 

There you have it good as new

Well as new as one of the sliver models can look nice paint job Sony.


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