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the rare transfer VIII: Crapola clear out

The trade pile has hit critical mass, so its time once again to haul ass to cex. Just looking at the games that mounted up over about a month it made me think i might have to calm down buying ninja gadien and fable WTF?

So after £1 knocked of for San Andreas being scratched and one copy of ninja gadien lobbed back at me, Don't think there was anything wrong with the disc, just cex sick of seeing it. 
I ended up with a respectable amount of trade credit.

Right on the money 50p more then I need for what I had in mind, Was on the website the night before and saw some nice stuff was looking at the PS2 for a while trying to find the game I was after. 
I was going to give up and settle on monster hunter and maybe used what was left for something cheap on PS3, then I found the game I was looking for, think its something about all the black font on the white background down the side of PS2 games makes it all blur into each other end up going a bit video game blind.

Bosh! The silent hill collection on ps2. This is a pretty rare title as well as it becoming more desirable because of the crappy job they did on the HD collection for PS3/360 It has all the PS2 versions 2,3 and the room.     


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