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GAME over

The gamestation in Hull city centre has become a GAME This last week If you where to ask any of the staff what the deal with that is they would give you the default speel about them being the same company anyways so who cares, Well I for one Im not going to swallow that bullshit, even tho gamestation and game are the same company the two shops have very different IP's and to live in a town without Gamestation that was focus on gamers to have to deal with the dumbed down mam targeted cheeky £5 extra on top of the prices crap game shovels up, This is not happening nation wide Just Hulls store and maybe a few others, Think I may be hamming up GAME to be the bad game well lets take a look a few days after GAME renamed my local store and its started.

I was looking for a P.C pad for my emulation and I saw that they had loads of GAME branded stuff in new, I was looking around and the GAME branded P.C pads priced up at a Piss taking £19.99 anyways I spotted one that was still gamestation branded the same pad for £9.99 that will have to do, Then when I got to the tills the guy scanned it in  and It come up at £4.98, Can you imagine if someone had of pick up the GAME P.C pad and paid £15 more for the same Thing its sickness me to think what will become of the store.

Retro's Going by the wayside the PS2 that's in there has being crammed on one shelf to make way for a fucking smart phones talk about selling out who the fuck it going into a game shop to buy a pissing phone! fuck that noise.

Places like grainger and cex in hull must be laughing now I mean who the hell is going to put up with this, They have always made out the two shops where one and the same company but anyone with have a brain stayed well clear of GAME if they didnt want ripping off, this picture sums it up nicely above the broken UMD on the floor, Outdated,Overpriced and rubbish.


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