Thriftbytes on X

Thrift Bytes on Twitch

All original x boxed and complete

Guy Fawkes night in Hull is fun for the adults and kids then the adults clear off back to the pub and let the kids burn all the toxic bits of old T.Vs and Furniture laying about as is tradition.

I have being out and about as the whole city tries to recreate the blitz, Not really hitting it hard all my stuff this week as come from block buster on different days, One thing I have to say about people in Shops that sell games if I have one more person as I pass them the games a politely say "just them please" for them to come out with a cunty "NO!" then laugh it off like they where joking I am going to jump over the counter and file you in the pre-owned, Seriously This as happen to me 3 times this week, If your going to work in a shop you can drop the attitude.

Rant over lets take a look what I got this week.

Ninja gaiden,Halo 2,Crimson skies,sybrira 2,
Super monkey ball deluxe,Oddworld much's oddysee.

It was buy one get one free on all of them so £1 a piece that's great I picked them up not sure if they where all backwards compatible but It turns out that they all work get in, Nothing mega rare and for the money I guess they will all go around £3-£5 on eBay so at £1 each its a good gambit and the factor of them working on 360 its a no hassle  retro fix combined with the sort after franchises not a bad set of games to put your money into.


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