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Just one year of thrift.

The picture above is last year in Game-station a collection of seemly endless playstation and other retro but how quickly things change over the course of a year I think what I have inadvertently done by starting thrift bytes at the time I did is capture the gold age of retro game hunting, Well at least on a retail level.

That is the same retro section in gamestation now a collection of sports tiles on xbox and ps1 and a bunch of HDDVD's.
Just one year on and nearly all the retro is fazed out, To me It been a pointless exercise given that a lot of retro still has Monterrey value so why stop tradings on them? This all happen at a time when gamestation was on the back foot and remember at the time stuff like elder scrolls skyrim new out at the time drops down to £24.99 new take a look today and this is what you will find.

Its the worst thing a retail game shop can do is have massive inconsistencies between new and pre-owned Its tells the customer that the shop really is phoning it in OK there their to make a profit but not even looking in to the fact that they have £29.99 still pretty bad a year on and its £5 more then when it was new out, Then to not have the foresight to alter the pre-owned price too.

where can I go for a deal then? 
Places sort of getting it right, I would say If your after a deal on newer next gen titles it is worth hunting round the cash - something shops
cash generator, cash express, cash converters,
The fact that these shops still carry retro and all the rest of the games are pre-owned by default if you shop around the prices varies from shop to shop.

The game left is sacred 2, Its been on my mental list to pick up for ages, My usual rule on buying a newer sort after title is to wait for it to drop down to £10 or cheaper but going around a few cash-something shops give me a better idea of the price the first time I saw the game in one of them shops its was £19.99 about a 3 or 4 months later £15.99 and its stayed at that price until the other day when I saw the one at £15.99 next to the same game with £11.99 Maybe its rare and holds its value or maybe no one in cash converters can be arsed to update the price tags.

Its doesn't really matter that some stores have dropped retro over the last year the game has change somewhat but so as the hunt, The way I got about looking for games now compared with the when I started this blog has been an evolution but then its always has been since I started doing this to make money as well as playing games about 11 years ago.


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