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The rare Transfer V: Trade and save.

Knowing that CEX is once again choc full of Rare goodness I Finally have a good lot of games to trade up on my pile of tat I started with the two copy's of Lego star wars left over from a 5 for 10 deal I got a couple of weeks ago so Just need to top it up with some more cheap tat.
 That will do it, I topped it up with a copy of COD4 that I had picked up a few weeks back because my xbox live has ran out and I don't wanna pay for it back.

So got myself to cex and traded up got about £18 traded in for all the stuff not bad, was looking for the to shadow hearts game Looking to get at least one of them But some chump must of snapped them up, So I was thinking I had looked out on finding something rare, I was wrong.

Shin megami tensei digital devil saga 2 and lucifers call... Again who is trading this stuff in its crazy so yeah happy with that they did have digital devil saga 1 in there aswell but it was £10 and is less rare then the second one so dont know how there worked that out.


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