Thriftbytes on X

Thrift Bytes on Twitch

The rare Transfer 4 Press start to Kontinue.

So the trade pile has had time to  mount up once again I had a small bit of luck in block buster the other day still £1.99 on ps2 games and still buy one get one free so picked up these.

Lego batman and King of fighters 00-01 not bad so I dumped them on the trade pile I would like to say the picture is illustrative of this process but alas I am just a tard and had my phone upside down. to the trade pile.

All the classic trade fodder is here in this pile GTA FFX Lego Its likes a slice of ps2 pie. Lets check the trade up on this lot.

£6 paid out for all of these games and £12.20 trade in thats pretty good going now its time to look for something Rare and awesome with my instore credit Lets take a look whats in CEX.

That's a fine collection of FFX and Crash bandicoot I swear some of them still had £1 and 99p stickers from scope and blockbuster on the box mahahahaha the good old days when that stuff was worth cash anyways moving on we still need a rare game to buy.

Jackpot! well it was a top up between zone of the enders the 2nd runner and shadow of the colossus cardboard sleeve but the box was in less the good con so I tuck a punt on this one Plus this has been on my mental list of games to acquire for a while and with it been the Special edition so it is the same version featured on the HD collection makes up for all the times I have grabbed the first zone of the enders of the shelf thinking it was this bad boy winning.


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