Pick ups overload: What a Croc
The pass few week have been up and down nothing great in the wild and on the cheap. Found some interesting stuff on the CEX website for cheap lets take a look at some pick ups.
Alot of stuff I have never see before Under the skin was on CEX website for £1.50 fun little game, play as an alien on earth on a mission to getting on peoples tits, It also has a level parodying resident evil 3. the other one I have never seen out in the wild was saint seya the hades that plays like a Dragon ball z game. the rest for the most part to cheap to pass up.

Later in the week I got a 5 for 10 at gamestation that wasn't bad and a copy of king of fighters that had the disc for SNK vs capcom inside bonus.
Now that's a right Croc of shit! Someone in scope half knows what there doing but Croc on ps1 is far from Rare £4.99 who are they kidding! I was picking up 360 games down the road for £2.99 each got me so mad the only thing to cheer me up after seeing this was Sarah in a bear hat!!!

Later in the week I got a 5 for 10 at gamestation that wasn't bad and a copy of king of fighters that had the disc for SNK vs capcom inside bonus.
Now that's a right Croc of shit! Someone in scope half knows what there doing but Croc on ps1 is far from Rare £4.99 who are they kidding! I was picking up 360 games down the road for £2.99 each got me so mad the only thing to cheer me up after seeing this was Sarah in a bear hat!!!