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Pick ups: last of the rare stuff

Used some of my in store credit at CEX today still got a bit left so mite find something Else but as of now CEX is dry of rare games. here's what I got today.

Shin megami tensei Digital devil saga and silent hill 3 not bad going.

Been doing some thrifting of late nothing that great out there at the moment i passed up on time crisis with the gun for £3.99 the other day but them G-CON 45's dont work on LCD tvs and haven't got an old Fat back, did find this unboxed tho.

WILD 9 for PSX its not mega rare and no cash in unboxed ps1 games but you don't see it every day and I kinda wanted to play it again after seeing a youtube video of it the other day so winning 99p to boot!

And lastly Because I have so many RARE games kicking about in my flat at the moment I put them all in one picture just because it looked cool for a second I swear they where glowing and levitating over the table looked like the Sankara stone's from temple of doom!

Yeah that will Give anyone a right Nerd Rod behold the rare games look at them what they doing being all rare awesome and stuff.


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