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Random pick ups: Check the box

Ive had Picks up from all over the place this pass couple of weeks Project zero 3 for cex payed for with some sort credit. The Two 360 games Grid and last remnant was a bit of a score £2.99 each, both break even at £3 cash in Cex a few other games pandemonium! ps1 always good to find and silent hill 3 and GTA SA not bad, Then I picked up a copy of jax 1 and found my self a bonus memory card this happened all the time finding other stuff in the box of games like xxx movies to memory cards never know what will fall out.

 So If you pick up a game in a tat shop that feels a bit heaver then it should be pop the box open and have a look mite be a bonus item hidden within so always Check the box!

Behold the free memory card!


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