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Return to base:My set up

Its always important to have a good set up for playing your video games so lets take a look at mine, Now being really big on ps2/ps1 its good to have back up playstation that and the fact that the PS2 will always pack in on you and stop playing ps1 games so it is really important to have some ps1's about, i have an old grey one that plays up now and again so i use the little white ps1 for all my gaming and testing which is the better model as it is the most reliable to make sure FMV works on the disc and just more aesthetically pleasing
The ps2 i own works with everything but ps1 games however it is good for watching DVDs with unskippable adverts before the title screen the ps2 allows you skip them so try it out. Then the 360 is my next gen console and is good for gaming on the cheap as all the games seem cheaper on 360 so its a great for me. And of course the VCR comes in handy when going in lots of charity shops as your going to come across a crap ton of VHS tapes so its good to have one kicking around just in case you see a film you may want to pick up and with offers like 10 for 99p who can resist lol, And finally the TV is just a humble 16inch LED freeview 1080p with usb,  and does the job It's HD gaming on the cheap, so there you go that's my set up. I hope to pick up some more consoles but this is the basic set up you need for any Gamer.


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