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Games master... Space master?

It occurred to me the other day that they may be a loose childhood inspiration for Two of my greatest passions in my adult life, The Subjects in question are cosmology and video games..? Not that strange come to think about it, space and video games have gone hand in hand from the dawn of video games to today's current blockbuster sci-fi shooters. Space lent its hand to the early simple graphics as the perfect setting, In the sense that Space is cool and very easy to render giving way to a flood of space themed titles for consoles such as the atari 2600 and intelervision.

 The reason why space is cool? Well to elaborate on my interest on this topic, It's when you find out about something so amazing, the sort of thing that you don't really see visualised anywhere Else but in video games, An example of this is the story of a New planet sciences have discovered this planet obits round a neutron star and is far denser than any other known so far and consists largely of carbon. Because it is so dense, scientists calculate the carbon must be crystalline, so a large part of this strange world will effectively be diamond, A planet made of diamond! you can see how space really does lend its self to the making of some really pleasing aesthetics when it comes to games, with stuff like that floating about up there!

How did these two fascinations grow side by side for so long? Finding out about the universe and video games for a child in the 90's leads me to the one man where these two worlds collide, Maybe the reason a bit of detail on Jupiter's moon Europa is up there with waiting for metal gear HD collection to come out.. that man is Patrick more.
The TV shows Games Master and The sky at night,  simile Watching all throughout the 90's I am pretty sure at one point I fort to my self will this be the space one or the video game one? To great shows that have a strange link to both my interests, Brilliant they where too Games master without a doubt was the best Video game based show on TV back then.

That brings me to my next point!

The 90's was a progressive and exciting time for gaming the the media coverage seem to be a bunch of preachy hated rants coming for the news fronts because some one played mortal kombat, Then you have them few shows that did showcase video games not many I can remember and often on so late only smack heads and deaf people would be awake for.

The Great thing that has come out of the lack of video game content on tv in the 90s is a explosion of Internet shows video game related, This fantastic fallout from a age where video game related context was thin on the ground is now filled with a plethora of independently ran show to suit any ones gaming tastes here are a few of my favourite's out of the vast ether of the Internet.
 And many more... In full conclusion its never been a better time to be a Gamer or a cosmologist Here's hoping they mite bring back games master and get professor Brian Cox to play the games master leading the way for this arbitrary and somewhat pointless observation of a coincidence that my only apply to me, can happen again for the next generation even tho the chances of them needed to watch terrestrial television at 2am in the morning very remote... still bring back games master, The sky at night still on the the air.. am just saying.


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