Call of booty modern whorefare 3:TOP FIVE GAMES TO BUY PREOWNED IN 3 MONTHS TIME!
Its been a blockbuster of a time in gaming of late, As my flat mate Steve is illustrating the clear winner in the war of the shooters is COD MW3, Battlefield 3s frostbite engine did look very impressive but due to a very poor unplayable beta on ps3 it pretty much had no chance in comparison with the way COD eases Noobs in, That aside I really couldn't give a toss about console first person shooters they have their place but more of the same crap, you could just get someone to poke you in the eyes and play blacksite on 360 and you could be convinced you were playing a COD game anyway. I'm sorry but fuck COD it not as good as worms, I mean you could rename the Game getting shot in the back online, that would be a more appropriate title, I hope you have saved some of your soul to sell to Valve when half life 2 part 3 comes out!
Anyways with that of my chest he is my-
Batman Arkham city
Yeah there's probably more games I wanted to pick up but this is my wish list for the moment, with me buying old retro all the time I will never pay full price for a new game that goes double for COD!