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The retro hierarchy: all Type's of games

When i started buying Video games that where rare eBay was in its infancy and only return I would of got for my games was trading them back in to gamestation, Then in about 2001 i was down to my last £3 living in a hostel and working at McDonald's for next to nothing, I found broken sword for ps1 in a cash converters for £2 and tuck it to gamestation they gave me £12 cash for that game this is what give me the drive to find more games like that so below is a helpful scale a guide to help sort out all the shit from the shinola!


Game that You can find in abundance they are very common this includes all sports games at least 2 years out of date and a lot of the best sellers on most consoles end in in this classification here are some good examples across multi platforms.



Games that are not rare but the franchise they belong to is very popular and people will pay upwards of £10+ for this is pretty much most of the Crash/Spyo games. 
Any strong game franchise mostly with a good mascot like odd world Abe's oddity on eBay I have seen it sell for £3 pound and then all the way up to £12 

so worth looking out for them, A modern example of this would be SPYRO DAWN OF THE DRAGON on 360 (CEX)computer exchange give £12 cash for that game and eBay maybe more I can find it in 2nd hand stores for around £5

Games that are harder to find for different reasons some are not about because people like to hold on to them, 
So no one is trading them like SHENMUE 2(xbox) and games like skull monkeys witch makes less money on eBay then you think but still is at least 8-12 pounds on there

Very hard to find mostly only on ebay between 50-100 pound depending on the condition such games like
teambuddies(PS1),conkers bad fur day(N64)  Castlevania SOTN(PS1)MGS3s(PS2)PANZA DRAGOON SAGA(sega saturn) all these game are the score I am looking for around the Charity
shops and 2nd stores!

I have never found anything of this list of ULTRA RARE games like powerfest94 or the gold 1990 Nintendo championship cart and Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash all of the games that fit in to the label ultra rare you pay upwards of £1.500 for easy. 

But if you know what your looking for maybe your luck will be in next time you go to a car boot sale :-)


Unknown said…
Thats dead on dude, tunnel b1 should of had as the tat pic lol

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